2016.09.19 09:06
2016.09.19 15:01
2016.09.19 15:04
2. Now is The Time - for Korea to Develop Nuke Bomb? http://www.futurekorea.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=32300
2016.09.19 15:07
2016.09.19 15:15
4. Who were They as Presidents of Korea in The Past? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtw8MQpvwd4
2016.09.20 10:55
5. All Their Fault? - and our problem at this juncture?
What shall we do?
2016.09.20 11:07
Let's take a deep breath - and let's look at the Summit of Jirisan
- for our determination to conquer this historical despair
of Our Motherland,
As I did when I was 16, when I was a freshman of Jinju High School.
2016.09.22 23:25
Who is this Korean Politician? (2) http://allinkorea.net/sub_read.html?uid=34742
2016.09.22 19:34
6. Bring Those that Helped N. Korea Develop Nuke Bombs - to Justice http://www.chogabje.com/board/view.asp?C_IDX=68473&C_CC=BB
2016.09.22 19:37
7. The Worst Scenario - Korea can Imagine
[Follow-up Opinions - from Korea]
1. Sunshine Policy is Dead !!