
어제 모두 29명이 모여 제6차 진골회 모임을 가졌읍니다.

멀리서 심현보 회원이 오셨고 오랫만에 구자관 신영주 문태현 회원도 참석했읍니다.

무엇보다도 새로운 얼굴들이 많이 참석해 주셨읍니다.

유재철 세무관님을 비롯하여 마산고 출신 안서영 서영호님과 진고 50회 출신 이상용님과 저와 친한 서병태님이 함께해 주셨읍니다.

그리고 김권수 회원께서는 참석 못하시는 대신 200불을 도네이션 해주시는 성의를 보여 주셨읍니다.

더군다나 이사회에서 준비한 진골회 골프모자를 모두 쓰고 시잔도 찍고 라운딩도 하였읍니다.

이춘리 이사장님을 비롯한 이사진 여러분께 진심으로 감사드립니다.

모든 참석하신 분들께 감사드립니다.

날씨는 방준재선배님의 아랫글처럼 비가 그친 후라서 맑은 공기 속에서 모두 즐겁게 라운딩을 하였고 더군다나 에머슨 골프장의 배려로 샷건으로 라운딩 할 수 있어서 모두 해지기 전에 라운딩을 마칠 수 있어서 좋았읍니다.

날씨가 좋아서인지 프로급 수준인 차호성 총무가 무려 13개 오바한 것만 빼고 성적이 대체로 좋아서 진골회의 수준이 높아졌음을 실감하였읍니다.

영예의 1등은 12개 핸디를 놓고 단지 5개만 오바를 한 권영훈 회원이 7언더로 우승하셨고 신영주 회원은 핸디 26개인데 20개만 오바하여 6언더로 2등을 차지하였읍니다. 그리고 3등은 모두 세명이었는데 멀리서 오신 심현보 회원과 타마락 싱글 윤신현 회원이 핸디보다 4언더로 차지하였읍니다.

한가지 아쉬운 것은 시작할 때 근접상에 대한 통보를 골프장 측에 하지 않아 준비를 못해 근접상이 없게된 점 회원여러분께 사과드리고자 합니다.

차기 모임이자 올해 마지막 모임은 10월 27일 12시 30분 샷건으로 40분 예약이 되어 있으니 회원 여러분의 많은 참가 바랍니다.

특히 마지막 골프모임에 우리 진고 동문회장이신 서균덕 부부가 참석해 주셔서 진골회 2013년 마지막 모임을 빛내 주시기를 간절히 바랍니다. 특히 상금으로 약 천불이 누적되어 마지막 골프모임에서는 상품이 아주 큽니다. 많이들 나오셔서 실력 발휘하셔서 좋은 상품 따가시길 바랍니다.

어제 회계 관계는 우리 총무님들께서 올려 주시기 바랍니다.

이상 어제 모임에 대한 보고를 올립니다



2013.09.23 00:04:31

Good report in detail, Son haejang.


One suggestion;


I'll buy Advertisement for our last outing of the year on 10/27

as I did for our first outing on 3/24/2013.


Nothing much different in the contents of the Ad will be


I will add names of


1) Our Board Members

2) As a sponsor group - Jin-go/ DaeA H.S/ and Masan H.S

3) Sr. VP, VP & Our 3 Secretaries

4) It's Open to thePublic - to all the golfers, regardless of "Go-hyang"

5) Most importantly - Jingolhoe, not only Survived the first year,

                        but Jingolhoe - on the way to Better Next Year!

6) Contact - jinjuhighschool.com, Kim Taehong & his phone number


If anyone wants to be excluded in naming,

please let me know by E-mail which is on

our Member Directory. Thanks.


2013.09.23 00:18:34


광고까지 내주신다니 정말 감사합니다.



2013.09.23 00:39:25

The success of Jingolhoe under your Leadership, Son hoejang

with all the help from members Deserves to be recognized.


Here are photos of Island - Namhae where I have been to

many times early on - from high school to April, 2013;




PS; the women(all of them) are my old girl friends

- remember that and if you have chances to see them,

say hello to them on my behalf. Thanks.

List of Articles
No. Subject Author Datesort Views
Notice 2020 Jingolhoe's Golf Outing - First & Last, Well-Done [1] BangJoon-Jai Oct 15, 2020 3592
Notice US Open 2020 at the Winged Foot CC, New York BangJoon-Jai Sep 19, 2020 1633
Notice Jingolhoe 2020 First & Last Golf Outing - (final) [1] BangJoon-Jai Sep 07, 2020 692
Notice He has Some Imagination BangJoon-Jai Jul 25, 2020 1073
Notice Have you ever seen Albatross? [2] BangJoon-Jai Jul 23, 2020 737
Notice JinGolHoe First Outing of the Year [1] BangJoon-Jai Jun 02, 2020 1865
Notice Jingolhoe First Golf Outing of the Year 2020 [4] BangJoon-Jai May 05, 2020 2681
Notice Getaway - to 2019 Masters BangJoon-Jai Apr 11, 2020 580
Notice How to Swing BangJoon-Jai Mar 29, 2020 638
Notice Great Shots of Golf BangJoon-Jai Dec 05, 2019 1263
Notice No Extra Outing on Oct. 30th [1] BangJoon-Jai Oct 14, 2019 1529
Notice After Jingolhoe Fall Outing 2019 [4] BangJoon-Jai Oct 03, 2019 4053
Notice Jingolhoe Fall Outing 2019 [3] BangJoon-Jai Aug 19, 2019 503
Notice This is what you call 'Honor' [3] BangJoon-Jai Jul 14, 2019 769
Notice Korea - my land & my golf BangJoon-Jai Jul 04, 2019 646
Notice Korea U-20 Team Beat Ecuador - to Go to Final [1] BangJoon-Jai Jun 11, 2019 1456
Notice Rory Mcllroy won 2019 Canadian Open BangJoon-Jai Jun 09, 2019 2909
Notice Pebble Beach G. C - 2019 US Open course BangJoon-Jai Jun 09, 2019 1509
Notice Kevin Na - the winner of Charles Schwab Challenge 2019 BangJoon-Jai May 27, 2019 2536
Notice [Report]: Such A Wonderful Spring Outing on 5/15/2019 BangJoon-Jai May 17, 2019 656
Notice Relax - just another day of your life [1] BangJoon-Jai May 05, 2019 459
Notice Reminder - Jingolhoe 2019 Spring Outing [3] BangJoon-Jai Apr 17, 2019 1402
Notice Augusta National Golf Club - flyover [1] BangJoon-Jai Apr 12, 2019 2407
Notice 2019 Masters Began as it's 83rd BangJoon-Jai Apr 11, 2019 2974
Notice Jingolhoe Spring Outing - May 15th, 1 PM at Black Bear [2] BangJoon-Jai Apr 04, 2019 482
Notice Wednesday or Sunday JIngolhoe Outings - which day better? BangJoon-Jai Mar 09, 2019 819
Notice Jingolhoe's First & Last Outing of The Year BangJoon-Jai Feb 19, 2019 941
Notice Jingolhoe's first meeting of the year 2019 [2] BangJoon-Jai Jan 12, 2019 872
Notice Jingolhoe - who'll take in charge? [1] BangJoon-Jai Jan 03, 2019 678
Notice Do you know him? [2] BangJoon-Jai Dec 20, 2018 443
Notice Revival of Masan HS AA [1] BangJoon-Jai Dec 17, 2018 1463
Notice Congratulations to President Choi, The 43rd BangJoon-Jai Dec 12, 2018 3675
Notice In our life, we need Luck time to time BangJoon-Jai Dec 11, 2018 410
Notice Golf Match in Century - Tiger vs Phil BangJoon-Jai Dec 11, 2018 1436
Notice Korean Golf Rock Star in Japan Tour [1] BangJoon-Jai Dec 10, 2018 839
Notice Beautiful KLPGA Players BangJoon-Jai Dec 02, 2018 1488
Notice How to hit 31-Under BangJoon-Jai Nov 30, 2018 468
Notice [All That Golf] Hole-in-One [1] BangJoon-Jai Nov 27, 2018 1425
Notice Golf Match of The Century [1] BangJoon-Jai Nov 23, 2018 1429
Notice [All that Golf] News from Japan LPGA BangJoon-Jai Nov 18, 2018 1652
Notice Stories of Our Life [3] BangJoon-Jai Nov 16, 2018 1443
Notice [All That Golf] A Moving Story [2] BangJoon-Jai Nov 15, 2018 1443
Notice About Golf Balls - how to make BangJoon-Jai Nov 11, 2018 864
Notice Congratulations!!! - the first Female president of PGA America BangJoon-Jai Nov 10, 2018 2947
Notice 2018 Winter is At The Door, but... [1] BangJoon-Jai Nov 10, 2018 5947
Notice Again - Tiger Woods [1] BangJoon-Jai Nov 05, 2018 1693
Notice Adieu, Jingolhoe and Adieu 2018 Season BangJoon-Jai Nov 01, 2018 520
Notice Chun In-gee again - at the championship BangJoon-Jai Oct 30, 2018 16324
Notice The world is changing, so is Korea [1] BangJoon-Jai Oct 28, 2018 513
Notice In Gee Chun - how she played at the championship [1] BangJoon-Jai Oct 28, 2018 1593
Notice Introducing Apple Greens Golf Course [1] BangJoon-Jai Oct 27, 2018 1576
Notice We, Jingolhoe members, are very proud of Poet Shin Jihye BangJoon-Jai Oct 26, 2018 1581
Notice Ballyowen Golf Club - have you been there? [1] BangJoon-Jai Oct 20, 2018 633
Notice Jingolhoe Golf for 2019 - next year at The Great Gorge GC [3] BangJoon-Jai Oct 11, 2018 7272
Notice Our Last Outing of the Year 2018 - to Crystal Springs [2] BangJoon-Jai Oct 08, 2018 6617
Notice Jingolhoe's Fall and The Last Outing for 2018 [6] BangJoon-Jai Aug 17, 2018 1162
Notice [He's Back] - Tiger Woods' Story at The 2018 PGA Championship BangJoon-Jai Aug 12, 2018 1713
Notice What Happened to 2018 Women's British Open? [3] BangJoon-Jai Aug 06, 2018 907
Notice When was the Last Time Jingolhoe took Pictures Together? BangJoon-Jai Aug 04, 2018 1020
Notice The Essence of Golf Swing BangJoon-Jai Jul 23, 2018 1586
Notice 147th British Open and Tiger Woods [2] BangJoon-Jai Jul 23, 2018 2585
Notice Swing & Impact BangJoon-Jai Jul 15, 2018 1402
Notice Nice Rhythm, Nice Swing [1] BangJoon-Jai Jul 13, 2018 1424
Notice Invitation to 2018 Thornberry Creek LPGA Classic BangJoon-Jai Jul 06, 2018 1023
Notice From SNUMA.net - To You BangJoon-Jai Jul 01, 2018 5552
Notice 2018 US Open - Live from Shinnecock Hills GC, LI, NY BangJoon-Jai Jun 18, 2018 1612
Notice Nice Shot, Good Shot BangJoon-Jai Jun 12, 2018 3587
Notice How is your game these days? BangJoon-Jai May 15, 2018 644
Notice Golf at The Pacific Oceanside - Pebble Beach BangJoon-Jai May 05, 2018 661
Notice [Happy New Year Greetings] - over 'Ddeuk-Guk' [2] BangJoon-Jai Dec 17, 2017 905
Notice 2 Stories of Golf [1] BangJoon-Jai Dec 05, 2017 637
Notice My Man is Back - Tiger Woods [3] BangJoon-Jai Dec 03, 2017 1713
Notice [Jingolhoe Member, Kim Kwon-soo] - in the news again BangJoon-Jai Dec 03, 2017 1739
Notice green Field - which I miss most in America [3] BangJoon-Jai Nov 11, 2017 1694
Notice Our Jingolhoe Home Course Emerson G.C. Sold BangJoon-Jai Oct 21, 2017 3429
Notice 한인 소유 에머슨골프장, 버겐카운티 퍼블릭 된다 Noh Oct 20, 2017 7851
Notice [Suggestion] - looking forward to 2018 season [2] BangJoon-Jai Oct 20, 2017 1240
Notice 2017년 진골회 하반기 모임 결산 내역 [1] Noh Oct 17, 2017 1150
Notice Poetic Closing of The Year 2017 Jingolhoe Season [2] BangJoon-Jai Oct 16, 2017 1856
Notice 2017년 진골회 추계 골프 아우팅 개최 [8] Noh Aug 31, 2017 3182
Notice [SNUMA.net Corner] - Kim In-Kyung won 2017 British Open BangJoon-Jai Aug 06, 2017 1795
Notice [Two Korea] - what's difference? Golf Course! BangJoon-Jai Aug 03, 2017 677
Notice Congratulations, Mr. Kim Kwon-sooi! BangJoon-Jai Jul 20, 2017 3348
Notice Mr. Kim Kwon-soo is In The News [1] BangJoon-Jai Jul 13, 2017 1883
Notice 궂은비도 못말리는 진골회 golfers [1] Danyi Jun 05, 2017 1282
Notice 2017년 춘계 진골회 모임 결산 [1] Noh Jun 05, 2017 1183
Notice So Long, Son Yeung-chul (Jingo Class of 1967) BangJoon-Jai Jun 05, 2017 2368
Notice 진골회 2017년 춘계 골프 Outing 06/04/2017(Sunday) - Final [5] Noh May 25, 2017 1459
Notice 또 한 page를 넘기면서 [1] Danyi Dec 31, 2016 1895
Notice Milal Mission in New Jersey - remembered [1] BangJoon-Jai Dec 20, 2016 1634
Notice 17일간 모국여행 을 마치고 Danyi Jan 20, 2017 1356
Notice 10월 16일 진골회 Outing 수입 및 지출 현황 [1] Noh Nov 01, 2016 2363
Notice 진골회 4년 [2] Danyi Oct 17, 2016 1628
Notice 신임 진골회 회장선출결과 보고 [2] Noh Oct 17, 2016 7782
Notice Shin Tae-hyun (41) - Our New & 4th President of Jingolhoe [2] BangJoon-Jai Oct 16, 2016 6053
Notice New York IL Bo_Advertisement Oct. 12 2016 file [1] Taehong Oct 12, 2016 3055
Notice 뉴욕일보 광고 - for 6/12/2016 Jingolhoe Golf Outing file [4] 조현재 Jun 04, 2016 1336
Notice 진골회 2014년 마지막 골프모임 (뉴욕일보) file [3] 조현재 Oct 04, 2014 20343
Notice 6월 8일 정기 진골회 모임 단체 사진 file [2] Taehong Jun 08, 2014 3052
Notice 진골회 광고 file [7] 조현재 Mar 28, 2014 8580
Notice 늦가을 골프장에서 (뉴욕 일보 12월 3일자) file [1] Taehong Dec 03, 2013 4696
Notice 진골회 선배님 보고 싶습니다^^ [4] 닥살 Nov 19, 2013 4167
Notice 진골회 2013 마지막 모임 (한국일보 광고) file [6] Taehong Oct 21, 2013 4101
Notice 그래도 골프는 쳐야한다 [3] 조현재 Aug 26, 2013 3812
Notice 진주골프동호회 한국일보 광고 file [4] Taehong Mar 05, 2013 7400

제6차대회 룰과 상금

제6차 진골회 모임시 안건 [4]

진골회 모자 file [3]

  • Danyi
  • Sep 18, 2013
  • Views 3404

A Song - for Young-chul & Kee-jung [6]

What Happened - at the Golf Course in Korea [3]

진골 골프 동호회원 모두 에게 [1]

  • Danyi
  • Sep 21, 2013
  • Views 2593

What I Saw at the Emerson [5]

제6차 진골회 모임을 마치고 [3]

제6차 진골회 모임 전체 사진 file [4]

  • SunLee
  • Sep 23, 2013
  • Views 5156

제6차 진골회 모임 결산서 & 현재 잔고 [2]

  • SunLee
  • Sep 26, 2013
  • Views 3106

제7차 진골회 2013 마지막 모임(10/27 일요일) [30]

  • SunLee
  • Sep 26, 2013
  • Views 4810

Masan High School - and Our Friends [2]

동문님 멋있는 하루 되십시요 [4]

10/27 2013년 마지막 골프모임 [1]

진골회 2014년도 회장 추대 결정 [1]

  • Danyi
  • Oct 10, 2013
  • Views 1981

Before I Write - Acceptance of Next Presidency of Our Jingolhoe [2]

꽁먹고 알먹고 [2]

  • Danyi
  • Oct 12, 2013
  • Views 1958

Upon Accepting Presidency - Rome Wasn't Built in A Day [6]

참가자상 제의 [5]

  • Danyi
  • Oct 15, 2013
  • Views 2042

진골회와 손영철 회장 file [7]

  • Danyi
  • Oct 17, 2013
  • Views 2581