I said
I came to America with three purposes in my mind in 1973
- not as my so-called "American Dream"(what is it, anyway?)
- which were a) finishing my medical training in 5 years,
b) collecting all of Beethoven's and Mozart's LP records,
and c) learning how to play Golf and well - and I wanted to
go back home, to my country where I was born and devote
my entire life over there - having Fun & Joy with my family
and childhood friends.
I am still here in the USA even after 8 times of 5 years,
40 years of my life. Why and What happened to me,
- staying here thinking of my home, my hometown, and
my country? I don't have much time and space to write
all what happened on our Web page, but one thing is
is "Go-hyang Man-deul-gi( making hometown ) here
in America to ease my homesickness - my nostalgia.
was the reason I said, I did, and I have been doing
all the activities, even though you have said you've
been always "busy" for not joining any activities in
the past - which I wonder, but which I accepted as
your excuse without further asking why.
I've done all what I wanted to do - without any
regret, but I did all what I wanted to do with all
my heart - to build "hometown" in America.
began to gather together with another way to build
our "Go-hyang" was Tamarak Golf Club gathering
as I wrote as followings;
- which has 536 visitors since I wrote on our site.
Come & Join Us
on October 27th, 2013, Sunday,
We'll have the Last Outing of the year at the same
golf course where we had the first on March 24th.
started when green grass was budding barely,
we'll end when we can see the Last Hurrah of
the Season - Autumn Foliages.
do you say as a non-participating, as a non-golfer,
'You're Crazy"?. My answer to you is "Yes, I am.
Yes, I am Crazy about Golf".
It's because Golfing was one of the 3 purposes
for which I came to America - Golfing as a Good
Golfer which I am still trying to achieve.
Dear alumni & friends,
Join us and enjoy the passing-by "Se-wol" in the
midst of "Autumn Foliages" at the Emerson.
Have a nice weekend
- you're, all of you, my friends!
This is the way we started
- and that will follow another
- public announcement;
I see 1,530 visited for this announcement
and announcement of our Last Outing?
- will be as many as Psy's Gangnam Style
- wishful thought, or not.