Summer Time (daylight savings time) will begin on 3/13, Sunday
as golf season because we would have more Daylight time.
I heard our Jingolhoe new president Mr. Park, got hurt after he
slipped down on ice. I am very sorry to hear that and I hope he
recover soon.
I have very itch hands to play Golf with you in coming month,
April. Therefore, if there are any Jingolhoe members to join me
to have a round of Golf, please, let me know by email, or call me.
It's a kind of <Pre-Season Outing> before <Official Season> might
start in May as last year.
[Time & Place]
1. Time - 4/3, or 4/10, Sunday at 1PM
2. Place - Emerson GC, or other GC
3. Dinner - nearby Korean restaurant by Dutch.
4. Expected Number of Players - 4, or 8, or 12 maximum
Thanks & I wish to hear from you, Jingolhoe members.
Golf Academy Awards 2016 _ golf video starring Tiger Woods
Golf Technic _ How to strike your Irons