
Analysis of Our Web - for 2013

Views 1593 Votes 0 2014.01.01 15:42:47

Happy New Year, my alumni and all the guests visiting

our site!


It is already the first day of 2014, but as other days

in our life, it already passed by and it's dark outside. 


I have been reporting monthly statistics for our Website

to see how it performs, especially since it's upgrade by

then president of our alumni association - Cho Hyun-jae

(a.k.a Howard Cho - 41 hoe) in Februrary, 2013.


As you saw in the past reports, in conclusion, our new

upgraded one performed more than expected and I am,

as a member of alumni association, very proud of our site.



I have been the major contributor for the past several

years even before our upgrade - reporting events, writing

my daily thoughts, and etc in English.



New Year began and I report to you how our Web perform

ed last year - 2013 to see how it will go another year at least.


Here are a few statistics I want to share with you.


1. For the Month of December;

                                  Total Visitors - 729

                               Total Pageview - 5,921


2. For the Year of 2013 since March after upgrade

for the past 10 months;


     Total Visitors - 145,805( monthly - about 15,000)

 Total Pageview - 2,050,395( monthly - about 200,000)


Again in conclusion, our upgraded new Website

performed more than expected and it would be

much better, if you get on our Website and share

your views or thoughts. It is a very good medium

for any occasion.


I know there will be New Staffs for our alumni association

elected at our annual general meeting on Jan.18th who will

be in charge of, and responsible for our Web management.

I hope they come up with any new approach for our Web,

if they think it's necessary.


Thank you, Howard Cho for your Upgrading and all the

contributors, and all the visitors for your love of our site.


Happy New Year and Have Wonderful, Healthy Year!



Let's celebrate ourselves - for what we've done;



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