[The First Jingolhoe Outing 2016] _ pre-seasonal & un-official
1. Time - 1 PM, 4/3, Sunday
2. Place - Emerson GC, NJ
3. Golf Fee - President Mr. Park will get as Group Rate
4. Dinner - at nearby Korean Restaurant
5. Contact _ Mr. Cha Ho-sung
6. So far Confirmed;
Mark Park/ Yi Chun-ri/ Cha Ho-sung/ Bang Joon-jai
Young Ko/
The first official outing will be discussed on 4/3 outing.
It was Horrifying story you told me yesterday _ tumbling down stairs after you slipped on ice. I wish you get better and the rest? We are here to help you go through the Agony. And People of Englewood Cliffs need you as A City Councilman, Mr. Park. See you on 4/3 at Emerson GC with staunch supporters of Jingolhoe.
방선배님. 저가 이것 참 사람 노릇 못해서 죄송합니다, 다른 분들께서도 그날 가급적 많이 참석해 주시면 대단히 감사하겟습니다 참석여부를 댓글로 달아 주시면 고맙겟습니다 . 감사합니다