(This is my afterthoughts of our 4th Golf Outing on June 30,
The weather has been forecasting we would have Rain with
scattered thunder and lightneing all week long with chance
of Rain - 60% for the day of our outing. But they have been
wrong everyday of the week - 'cause I had a glimpse of hope
and wanted to spread of the Hope to others, saying "No Rain
on the Golf Course", or "Rain or Shine" on the other occasion.
It was hot and very humid - but not raining as they forecasted.
My old days of Golf Buddies were arriving one by one on time.
And I was very glad to see them again as I used to in the past
more often, of course. They have been My Friends, younger
than me, though, on and off Golf Course.
That's very important aspect of our life - to be a friend to each
other which is Rare these days.
We began as the first group, thanks to Mr. Cha Ho-sung's
arrangement. No one was there in front of us. We played
every hole in 15 minutes, believe or not, and finished 18
holes in record pace. Another reason I love to play at the
I made One Birdie with lots of Doubles and even Triple which
made my score balooned. We betted money for the game and
I almost lost every penny of it, but at the end, they didn't ask
for it. Thank God for that. Otherwise, it was worth for my one
week work. Hey!, my friends, you're so generous.
After dinner, I left to get on the highway to get back home
and was looking back the day of our outing and others.
I was so much in deep thought, I forgot to play Korean Pop
Songs to prepare for the Night of 11/30 Noraebang, which
I used to since I announced for the occasion.
When I was near my home and crossing the Verrazano
Bridge, suddenly thick fog interferred my vision - virtually
I coudn't see anything beyond a few feet. I worried a little
bit how to drive home. But it didn't last long.
Our life path is like in the middle of the thick fog.
We don't know what's ahead of us. It's mainly
because of Uncertainties of Human Nature, not
weather condition.
And so, I'd rather play golf away from these
uncertainties and be with Nature out there,
even in the Rain or Storm. I would have more
Fun out there - For Sure!, rather than facing
Uncertainties of Human Nature.
More Nature
- Flowers that Bloom Once in One Hundred Years
- From bibong933.com by Jun Young-sook(33).
Those who love Golf in Nature with Flowers
And Birds are usually Nice and Good People
- and Courteous!
PS; There are a few good at Calligraphy
among 33-hoe. General Lee Jeong-soo
(Retired 2-Star Army General)who wrote
comment to this article is one of them and
he sent me one master piece several years ago.
Jeong Woon-sung(33) is another one who
practices everyday and has been attending
class once a week. Once upon a time, he
was a great poet while in high school and
retired from Cho-sun Il-bo as a bureau chief.
Have A Wonderful Day
- Listening Birds Singing;