어제 기정이 행님 사위 토니가 야구를 하다가 햄스트링 부상을 입었다 합니다.
우리 진골회 대표선수인데 이런 부상을 입게 되어 당황스럽습니다.
빨리 쾌차하여 6월 20일 정상 컨디션을 회복해 주었으면 하고 바라지만 완쾌되지 않은 상태에서 너무 무리하게 할 수 없으니 아무래도 대신할 선수를 구해 놓아야 하겠읍니다.
이번 일요일 연습라운딩에 윤신현 회원이 동참하기로 했으니 천상 윤신현 회원을 꼬셔야 할 듯합니다.
우리 모두 토니가 빨리 회복하도록 각자의 신에게 기도합시다. ^_^
Hey, Tony;
What's happen? Were you heart bad?
You might have been anxious to bring a metal to our DONGHO Club.
Fortunately, it doesn't sound like its serious.. Even if its somewhat considerable,
we have a notorious Doctor in our team. Follow his direction.
If it doesn't fix it, we will blame him.
For your information, we have a famous Attorney in our team, too.
He might represent us in case of legal matters in the future, also.
We are concerned about your injury.
Don't worry for the metal and take care of the wound first.
이춘리, Your concerned friend.
Tony will get better by 6/20 for sure,
Li sunbaenim.
That's true we have an Attorney
to Represent us, if necessay, and
someone that has Connection to
Everywhere. Who? It's in our list.
When we have 6/30 outing and
after/ or before dinner, let's have
introductory session of ourselves,
Son hoejang.
We'd better know who we are,
introducing to each other
- A Road to Human Connection
And Relationship. Thanks.
Everybody in JinGolhoe might talking with English.
here is no rooms speaking korean language.
Today in order to make sure of this JinGolHoe news.
I called to Tony asked "what happened to U"
he said "nothing except hurt my Left leg a litter bit on play baseball game"
"don't worry about me, soon will be recover."
this is all my information. son Hoejang ! I hope He will get in team playing, Don't worry!
no wonder he will be better soon. he is young .
Glad to hear Tony will be able to
make 6/20th Team Competition,
I got phone call from Korean Golf
Association, NY and told me they
have 27 teams now for 6/20 Team
Competition at the Middle Island C.C.
And will have Award Ceremony
at the Banquet Room, Keum Gang San
restaurant in Flushing with presence
of Korean Consul General, Mr. Sohn
and Entertainment by Ms. Sim Yoon-mi.
Watch out my friends' team
"Il-Wu-Hoe", with Kwon Jung-Hak
and Kim Se-Jin, etc, who came to
our outing in the past at the New York
C.C. and Kim Se-Jin will join us on
6/30 outing at the Emerson G.C.
He will - trust me.
Just give a rest to Hamstring muscle
and take Advil/ or Aleve, etc and a
few sessions of Physical Theraphy
will do.
He's a Young Man and will recover
soon, not like an Oldie like me.
Get Better, Tony asap
because we need you
on 6/20.
PS; This message is from
Jingolhoe Team Doctor,