To my dismay, I saw it was raining outside
of my window when I looked out of the win
dow yesterday early morning. They were
forecasting we would have Sunny Day with
70s F in the beginning of the week and cha
nged to cloudy in 60s. And later, 50% of rain
on the day of our outing.
"Damn", I said. Hoping to play golf in short
sleeve for the first time of the year suddenly
vanished and I was looking for sweater and
thick thermal winter pants.
And I got on the highway after I wrote on our
web, saying "No Rain on the Golf Course" for
me and for my golf buddies to boost mood.
It was raining, not heavy, but drizzling - but
rain is rain. To my surprise, when I arrived
at Emerson G.C., I saw many buddies alrea
dy there and we started on time with other
groups in shot gun format.
In short, as Son hoe-jang wrote, we had good
time, rain or not - that's why they say "No Rain
on the Golf Course".
I was shivering at the end because of rain-
soaked clothes. I was looking for a cup of hot
coffee first when I went into cafeteria.
We chit-chtted and under Son hoe-jang's
preside, we decided as he wrote in his comm
ents about our outing. To me, the most exciti
ng decision we made was Selecting Four Play
ers as Jingolhoe Team to compete with others
on 6/20 at the Middle Island C.C.
And listen to this. We'll have Noraebang
"Dan-hap Dae-hoe" sometime after our
last outing in October - maybe the last
Saturday of November. We'll have fun
and look back our the first year - recog
nizing "The Golfer of the Year".
See you again on 6/30 at or around the
same time at the same golf course.
God bless you, all of my golf buddies!
The qualification for the
"Golfer of The Year"
is not the Best Player,
but the golfer who
Improved Most
during the year.
That's why we need
Record for Each Outing.
Glad you agreed, Son hoejang.
But the trophy is not for keep
forever, but for the year - which
means One Trophy, Same Trophy
over and over again every year.
For the recognition of
"Golfer of the Year",
I'll donate
Green Crystal Trophy.