아래와 같이 2013년 진골회 3번째 5월 모임을 같도록하겠습니다.
5/19/2013 – 일요일
Emerson Golf Club
99 Palisade Ave
Emerson NJ 07630
Tel 201-261-1100
티타임 – 12:54
Golf/Cart/Lunch - $55 + 저녁식사(30+Tip)
저녁 식사 장소는 2차 때와 마찬가지로 골프장에서 한국식 고급부페로 합니다.
여러분의 많은 참여를 바랍니다.
현재 *24명이 예약되어 있습니다.(예정)
그룹 Outing 이기 때문에 여러분의 많은 협조, 무엇보다 빠른 confirm이 필요합니다.
박주열 무학골프 회장님께서는 2번째모임에 참석하셨던 김청석/문봉섭/최윤승 회원님의 연락처(주소,전화,이메일, 핸디)를 보내 주시면 업데이트 시키도록 하겠습니다.
감사합니다. - 총무 차호성/이선형
23명 참석확정
Mrs. 손영철
Mrs. 이상근
Mrs. 서균덕
Mrs. 김성철
Mrs. 김권수
이선형 guest 철이네
Tony Kim - golf only
Tony Kim1 - golf only
Tony Kim2 - golf only
이상 23명 입니다.
Breaking News;
1. I called my dear new younger brother
- Park Joo-yeul, President of Masan High School
Golf Club and he would like to be the 3rd Secretary
General for JinGolHoe.
2. He told me he would be at the Emerson G. C.
on 5/19 for our 3rd outing with other Masan H. S.
players(did I hear 12?) - without fail.
Please, call him, Son Hoe-Jang,
to make sure whether I am right/ or wrong.
Anyway, it's great and exciting news.
JinGolHoe - Beyond the Border - Open to Everyone
Without Any Fence as you clarified in our Bylaw.
And the future is Bright as you predicted,
Son hoe-jang. And we'll have fun through
golf game - A Game of Our Life in Nature.
See you everyone on 5/19 at Emerson.
Just Confirmed Mr. Ha Sehe-jong, my young-gam-nim
will invest $100 for our 3rd outing - which means he's
attending. Now we have 21 players?
Now 23 players, possible 19, not 28.
Let's make sure who is coming or not
for Senior Vice President Mr. Park.
To me, not much difference, though,
Just one day outing with friends
who love Golf under the beautiful
Spring weather with flowers and
green leaves and thoughts of our
life and nothing else, but Donation
of $20 to Son hoe-jang.
Weather on 5/19 - our outing day;
Partly Cloudy with 73/59 F
- Short Sleeve Day for the First Time of the Year!
Do me a solid(/favor), Son hoe-jang.
Would you please, stick me with 3
great oooooo away from you?
I want to save $20. Please. Thanks.
Just kidding. But thanks.
Sorry to inform you, SunLee,
Mr. Ha Sehe-jong can't attend.
He had Gallstone operation over night
and he's in the hospital.
Please, adjust the number of players
- notifying the golf course.
That's the life - we don't know the next minute.
I shall miss him at our outing on 5/19, his full
golf swing at his age of 80s.
24 players - 6 some, that's good to handle.
Most recent Weather Report on 5/19;
Mostly Cloudy with 65/60.
Wind- 11 mph
Sunrise- 5:25 am
Sunset - 8:10 pm.
Nice Day for Golf Outing.
I'll be there, but I don't know about
Mr. Ha Sehe-jong. I'll let you know